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Rich meta information will help the automapping feature to find suitable objects in the step of the data mapping.


To provide a template from your private portfolio to specific users in your TRUECHART environment, go through the following steps:

  • Open a template in edit or save mode.

  • Use the toggle on the bottom left corner of the dialog to control the publishing state of your template. Other users have a read-only permissions and can either edit or delete your version.



Templates can be switched between Public/Private and deleted via the Template Manager Facility (introduced in v2022.4.0 of TRUECHART)


The dialog is divided into 4 steps:

"Load Template"

select or search a template from the list of templates and map, edit, download or delete it

"Map Data"

map the context data with all of its dimensions and measures

"Map variables"

map all the variables from your template to your target cell

"Map common tables"

map all the common tables into the resulting cell


In the first step of the load template dialog you can manage all your templates. If you search for a special one, you can filter the list by adding keywords to the search input (1) at the top.


If you have a template as a file on your disk, you can upload it right here with the '"Upload"' button (3)


If you have selected a template the following options will be enabled:

  • Map data and apply

  • Edit the meta data or publish / unpublish a template

  • Delete a template of your own

  • Download the template as a file (JSON)


The first three columns (1-3) of the mapping table belong to the template. Column (4) is giving control to set the mapping mode between new and existing. Column (5-7) display the result in the target cell. The last column (9) of each row displays the validation state. (8) can be used to check all rows that are able to be applied. Rows with errors can`t be checked, and will prevent the system to apply the template finally.


The process of mapping your template is analogous to map the data with some different validation rules.


To upload a template, open the load template dialog and hit the button "Upload" at the bottom of it.


To download a template, open the load template dialog and select it from the list of templates.


To edit a template, open the load template dialog and select it from the list of templates. Press the button on the right side of the list of templates, appearing to the selected object.


Delete a template

open the load template dialog and select it from the list of templates. Click the button with the cross icon.
