Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Features & Improvements

• The New Notation Manual Interface now includes

• Unit Value Display for all fields that utilise units.
• Utilises only 2 decimal values for mm/10pt.
• Utilise buttons for alignment options.
• "Multiples" has been moved to a subsection of "General".
• The screen has been optimized for space usage, alignment, and spacing.

• IBCS Standard Lollipop / Needle chart implementation

• Following our IBCS verification, we've ensured compliance with needle charts starting from version 2023.6.0. Please review any existing needle charts for accuracy and compliance. We implemented a toggle between the "Original Format" and the "IBCS Compliant" format in the Notation Manual that would switch between the two Needle Line options. on scenarios in the Notation Manual that would specify the colour of the Needle Line.
• IBCS Compliant Needle lines should appear in front of the symbols and the line, when marked as a Delta and the Concept is marked as colour, will follow the positive and negative notation, whereas the symbol will follow the area Semantic notation.
• Should you wish to change this setup, please make these amendments in the Notation Manual. Detailed instructions on where and how to make these changes can be found here.

Bug Fixes

•The Hierarchy function in Table 1.0 defect has been corrected.
• HTML Tags that were not being displayed correctly, in Table 2.0, defect has been corrected.
• "@" Sign Splits Dimension, Expressions and Highlighting sources, the defect has been corrected.
• Bulk User Import error handling has been improved
• Now shows an error and has Console Logging when the User List can not be imported.
• Additionally, validation has been added to ensure the email format is correct, and if not, the record will not be inserted and an error message will be displayed.


titleQlik Sense version

Minimum Qlik Sense Enterprise Version Required - May 2023

Features & Improvements

Grouping of all TRUECHART Extension under one banner, namely TRUECHART
• Users will now see TRUECHART, KPI-CHAT and MENUBAR grouped under this banner, and no longer under the general "Extensions" grouping



Features & Improvements

An error message has been incorporated into the toaster notifications to inform users about duplicate usernames or email addresses, indicating that the user's information will not be saved. 
The TCMC now features responsive table sizing through the addition of breakpoints in the Name and Email fields.
The capability to completely revoke all user permissions has been eliminated for active users, preventing the unintended stripping of their permissions. 

Bug Fixes

•The fresh installation error has been resolved.
•The problem with the Axis line extending beyond the appropriate range in Table 1 has been fixed.
•The concern regarding the Preview toggle in the Cell Menu has been addressed and resolved.
•Usernames will no longer permit spaces to prevent the potential for duplicated users.  
•The Email Format now accommodates the use of "+" within email addresses.
•The issue where not all values were being properly displayed on bars in a stacked bar chart has been rectified


titleQlik Sense version

Minimum Qlik Sense Enterprise Version Required - May 2023

Bug Fixes

TRUECHART no longer has an impact on the responsive behaviour in Qlik Sense.
The base node error has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

Qlik Cloud access denied error has been resolved.
Qlik Cloud Layout Properties Active On Published Apps issue has been resolved.



titleImportant Notice: Temporary Suspension of Needle Line Charts Reimplementation (TRUECHART version 2023.4.0)
We would like to inform all users that we have encountered a critical issue with the Lollipop / Needle line charts during our internal testing. As a result, we strongly advise against implementing the current version of TRUECHART if you make use of Needle Line Charts. 

Our Development Team is actively investigating this issue and working on a corrective solution. Once the problem is resolved, we will promptly provide a patch and notify all users accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding as we strive to ensure the highest quality and functionality of our charts. Thank you for your patience, and we will keep you updated on the progress of the reimplementation.

titleNew installations of v2023.4.2

The TRUECHART team is aware that new installations of TRUECHART v2023.4.2 are failing with a database error. We recommend the installation of TRUECHART v2023.3.0 first and thereafter the installation of TRUECHART v2023..4.2, This installation order should correct this behavior.

Features & Improvements
 IBCS Standard Lollipop / Needle chart implementation

 Following our recent IBCS verification, we've ensured compliance with needle charts starting from version 2023.4.0. Please review any existing needle charts for accuracy and compliance. We implemented a new line colour option on scenarios in the Notation Manual that would specify the colour of Needle Lines
 Needle lines will now also appear in front of the symbols.
 Should you have Needle charts implemented, please review the new Notation Manual options specific to Needle's as outlined in the TRUECHART Knowledge Base.
 What you should expect to happen should you have Needles implemented
 Needle Line will take on the "Default" IBCS positive and negative colours (Red and Green).
 Needle Symbol will take on your defined Actual/Budget/Forecast setup
 Should you wish to change this setup, please make these amendments in the Notation Manual. Detailed instructions on where and how to make these changes can be found here.
• Notation Manual 
 Following numerous requests to simplify the Notation Manual, the first phase of TRUECHART's simplified Notation Manual is available. 
 Both the "New" and "Legacy" versions of the Notation Manual will be available for the initial release. 
 The major changes that have been implemented are: 
 Refreshed the User Interface to be in line with the overall TRUECHART UI. 
 Scenario's have been limited to 2 - namely "Default"(eg. ACT_0) and "Custom" (The first available scenario after ACT_0, eg. ACT_1). 
 Various options have been hidden in the new UI as they are rarely used. Please notify us if you no longer have access to a crucial option in the new UI.
 SysAdmin Permission Allocation
 Only users with System Admin permission can allocate System Administrator permissions to another user. 
 Please note: The default user is the Administrator user created during the TC installation - existing installations will have to request assistance from support to allocate this permission.

Bug Fixes

 System Log Download - TRUECHART Management Console
 When downloading the latest logs, KPI-CHAT logs are now included
 Duplicate User Error
 When attempting to load a user that already exists, TCMC will now display a toaster message indicating that this user already exists.
 Unable to delete Groups in TCMC
 Users are now able to delete groups in TCMC.


Features & Improvements

• Qlik Compatibility Update 
 Due to changes and various updates on QlikSense, we have updated our compatibility matrix. The oldest version of QlikSense that this version is has been tested with and confirmed compatibility is May 2023.
 Copy Chart to Clipboard with Easy Access
 The export sub-menu items have been moved from "Objects" to "Export and Copy" and placed at the top of the context menu. 
 Copy to clipboard has been added to the Qlik menu
 Export has been added to the Qlik menu and will open the Context menu with export options.
 An option to define the resolution of copy added can be enabled or disabled
 Inputs to enter width and height in pixels added.
 When the resolutions are defined, the image will be copied in the desired resolution, else the image will be copied as is on screen.

Bug Fixes

 Table 1.0 row values not spaced properly issue has been corrected 
 Measures cannot be disabled in structure charts defect has been rectified. 
 Perspective comments, titles and subtitles not transporting to published QSense and QSaas apps issue has been resolved


Bug Fixes
•Table 2.0  Blurry issue has been resolved


Bug Fixes

•Measures cannot be disabled in structure charts defect has been rectified. 
•Mail & Deploy 
•M&D does not extract TRUECHART visuals from Qlik Cloud issue has been resolved. 

Features & Improvements

 Last known filter & sorting
•The filter panel now opens by default and the last known filter is saved when updating a filter on a channel. 
•Filter content now adheres to data permissions and only shows filters available to the user. 
•Only users that are not Admin users, can be added to KPI-CHAT permissions as consumers.

Bug Fixes
Forwarding archived messages shows no detail in direct message issue has been resolved
•Forwarded Archived Messages Remain Displayed After Deleting issue has been resolved 
•Corrected the defect where the wildcard filter "*" would assume as a separate filter instead of showing all available filters.  
•PowerBI Text Format Send & Cancel Button in small visuals were not visible - this defect has been resolved. 



Features & Improvements

  • Mail&Deploy - Sub Grid extraction
  • Users can now extract sub-grids in M&D
  • This can be done for normal or single grids in the Mail&Deploy URL layout builder.

Bug Fixes

  • Mail&Deploy
  • Table 1.0 comments headers are not available for M&D report extraction issue has been resolved
  • Menubar & Qlik Sense 2023 Feb: Export to PDF not working - issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Multiple Chart Measure settings are not saved - this issue has been resolved.
  • TRUECHART items in QSense Story exports appear blank after exporting to PDF or PowerPoint issue has been resolved.


titleExport to Story or "download as" in Qlik Sense

The TRUECHART team is aware that in v2023.2.x, the export to Story and "download as" option does not function for TRUECHART visuals . We will update this page once this has been resolved with detail on which installer corrects this behaviour.


Features & Improvements

  • All 3rd party dependencies have been updated across all products.
  • Table 2.0 - Tab & Enter Comment field navigation
  • The tab key will move the cursor to the next available field on the right
  • The enter key will move the cursor to the next available field below
  • Repaint will only take place once the user selects a flag, list item or click OK on a text field.

Bug Fixes

  • Table 2.0 - On Click Actions trigger defect has now been resolved.
  • The user create/edit screen password validation has been added to the TCMC facility.
  • Legend position not correct when value is zero defect has been rectified
  • Measures cannot be added/removed if using a TC Template - this defect has been rectified.
  • OpenJDK is now automatically detected when installing TRUECHART.


Features & Improvements

  • Highlight and Compare Auto Save for all users
    • An enhancement has been made, which enables Auto Save for Highlight and Compare when in a published environment, or when the user is not a designer.



Features & Improvements
  • Input Groups & KPI Chat Channels - Ability to migrate Qlik & PBI files
  • Users are now able to migrate Input Groups and KPI-CHAT Channels from one TRUECHART Service to another.
  • Input Groups and KPI-CHAT Channels details are now saved in the .qvf or .pbix file and will be created/synced when connecting to a TRUECHART service where they do not exist.
  • TRUECHART installer is now an .exe file instead of the .bat file with accompanying .jar files.
  • TCMC lists have been sorted alphabetically.


Bug Fixes
  • The exported story appears blank in PowerPoint/PDF issue has been corrected.
  • The bottom legend position in a structure chart has been corrected.
  • Table scrolls to the default position after capturing comments in a long table issue has been corrected.
