trueChart Help

Upgrade to TRUECHART4QLIKVIEW 2020.11

TRUECHART4QLIKVIEW 2020.11 is a major release of TRUECHART. When upgrading TRUECHART from a previous version there are several things to take care of.

  1. An update is only supported from the latest release of TRUECHART4QLIKVIEW 2018.11
  2. Support for multiple extension definitions has been dropped. When upgrading, only the active definition will remain.
  3. Dynamic dimensions are not supported anymore. In case you were using the feature, TRUECHART will show a message instead of showing a chart. After you manually updated your dimension definition in QlikView you have access to all definitions created before.
  4. Known Issue [HICO-45288]: BI totals are not recognized by the current version of TRUECHART

The latest version for TC4View is v2020.11.2, any TC versions beyond this will not be supported by TRUECHART on QlikView