Installation: TRUECHART on Qlik Sense Cloud

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Installation: TRUECHART on Qlik Sense Cloud

This article explains how you can set up TRUECHART in a Qlik Sense Cloud environment.

Exporting TRUECHART Objects to PDF / Image on Qlik Cloud

Please note that exporting TRUECHART objects in Qlik Cloud is not currently supported by Qlik. Once this has been implemented by them, it will be included in a future release of TRUECHART

TRUECHART on Qlik Cloud

TRUECHART can be connected to the Qlik Cloud service by following the below setup guide.

The infrastructure of how this is achieved does not differ much from Qlik Sense Enterprise , however will still require a server to host TRUECHART: 


  • Installed TRUECHART service
  • TRUECHART service is reachable from the user’s computer
  • Qlik Sense Cloud platform
  • Optional: Identity Provider

Install extensions

Download the extensions from the TRUECHART Management Console

  • Open “Settings”
  • Select “Downloads”
  • Select "Settings" and uncheck Dynamic host and click on Save

  • Click on "Downloads" and download the TRUECHART “Qlik Sense” extension
  • Download the KPI-CHAT “Qlik Sense” extension

Add the downloaded extensions in the Qlik Sense Cloud Management Console

  1. Navigate to the Qlik Management Console
  2. Select “Extensions”
  3. Select “Add” and choose the extensions you want to upload (only one per time is possible). If desired add tags and then click on “Add” to upload the extension

Adjust the Content Security Policy

To guarantee that your extension works within Qlik Sense Cloud you need to adjust the content security policy by adding the TRUECHART service URL.

  1. Navigate to the Qlik Management Console
  2. Select “Content Security Policy”
  3. Select “Add” (check next picture for origin details)

  1. Define a name for the security policy
  2. Define the URL of the TRUECHART service you are running
  3. Under directive activate:
    1. connect-src
    2. connect-src (WebSocket)
    3. img-src
  4. Select “Add”


In addition to the above users are required to add another line for icons to work with TRUECHART:

Set up an IDP

Setting up an identity provider (IDP) is only possible on Qlik Sense Cloud and not on Qlik Business. 

The setup of an IDP provider allows you to authenticate your users against the IDP provider (e.g. to use your Active Directory logins). You need to set up the identity provider and then integrate it into the Qlik Management Console.

Qlik provides you documentation on how you can set up the IDP especially using Salesforce.com, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), or Azure AD as an IDP:


Direct link to articles/videos:

Once you have set up your IDP you integrate/create the IDP connection in the Qlik Management Console. You find the Identity provider settings in the Qlik Management Console.

  1. Navigate to the Qlik Management Console
  2. Select “Identity provider”
  3. Select “Create new” (check next picture for IDP configuration with ADFS)

The picture below shows the settings if you have chosen to use ADFS. Please check the videos mentioned above for more information about setting up different IDPs.

  1. Set the “Type” to interactive
  2. Set the “Provider” to ADFS
  3. Insert your ADFS discovery URL
  4. Insert the “Client ID” for your Qlik Sense Cloud Server with the and insert the “Client secret” you got from your ADFS provider.
  5. If you want you can set the “Realm” where you can replace the domain before the username (e.g. in this case if the IDP provides TEMPO\username you change it to HICO\username). Consider that you need the same user accounts on Qlik Sense Cloud and in the TRUECHART management console!
  6. Define the mapping of the IDP with Qliks attributes

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