trueChart Help

Create Qlik Sense tables that display trueChart comments/list selections

Scenario: I would like to use a Qlik Sense table that displays which trueChart Comments/List selections were made for each Country and Region.

Please follow the below steps:

  • Create a trueChart table with two dimensions("Countries", "Regions"), with 3 Measures: "(Sum(Consulting)” , “List” and “Comments”) and created Common tables for the two comment fields.
  • Right click on the table and select “Cell”

  • Select “Comments”

  • Select the “Comment table” next to the “List” measure

  • Enter a “Name” and “Description” and assign a password to your common table and click on “Okay”.
    • Then create another Common table for your “Comments” measure
  • Insert a few test comments in your table.

  • Connect to the trueChart Database from within your BI platform's data manager and select all from thehico_ory_comments_inline” trueChart table.

You will observe that the comments are under “VALUE” and they are linked to the dimensions in the “TCKEY” column separated by “tc##”, you can use this field to link it back to your Qlik Sense table.

You will also notice that under the COMMONTABLE field you have unique ID's for each one of the Common tables you have created, this will help you if you need to restrict your query for a specific Common table(s).

This is what your Qlik Sense load script should look like:

trueChart Database table(hico_ory_comments_inline):

The fields that need to be amended

Subfield(TCKEY,'tc##',1) as Country,
Subfield(TCKEY,'tc##',-1) as Region,
(trim(Subfield(TCKEY,'tc##',1)) & trim(Subfield(TCKEY,'tc##',-1))) as KEY_1,
if(left([VALUE], 5) = '<div>',Mid(Left(VALUE, Len(Trim(VALUE)) - 6), 6)) as Comment,
if(left([VALUE], 5) <> '<div>',Left(Trim("VALUE"), Len(Trim("VALUE"))-3)) as List,

Original Table used in your trueChart extension:

The fields that need to be amended

(Trim(Countries) & trim(Region) ) as KEY_1,

This is what your applications data model should look like:

Create a trueChart button(Reload data) to reload your data from within your sheet.

  • Drag and drop a trueChart extension on your sheet, Click on “Cell”
  • Under “Layout” select “Button”
  • Right click on the button and click on “Cell”
  • Under Label, name your button: “Reload data”
  • Click on Interactions then on “Actions”,
  • Select “On Click” and under name select “Reload data” then click “Ok”

This is what your Qlik Sense sheet should look like:

  • The top 3 tables are Qlik Sense tables present which comments/list selections were made in trueChart.
  • In the middle there is a "Reload Data" button.
  • At the bottom you have the trueChart table with Comments/List selections.

  • After you add a Comment/List selection in trueChart, click on "Reload Data" and your Comment/List selection will be displayed in the 3 Qlik Sense tables in your application. 

How do you track which Sense app your trueChart visual is linked to:

Our Table 1 comments are structured as follows:

    • In your hico_ory_comments_inline table, you have a “KEYCOLUMNS” field, use the below portion of the field to link it to the “HASH” field in the hico_ory_hicoobjects

hico_ory_comments_inline table:

hico_ory_hicoobjects table:

    • The “NAME” field in your hico_ory_hicoobjects is the actual QSense app ID(excl objectID at the end)
    • Use the “NAME” field in the hico_ory_hicoobjects table to link it to the “NAME” field in the hico_doc_documents table and in this table you will find the Qlik application name under "TITLE" in this same table.

hico_doc_documents table: