trueChart Help

How to: Custom Action - Set variable value for QlikSense

Store TRUECHART's current mode in a variable

This code sets the variable' vB_EditMode' with a string value. In this case, it gets the current edit mode from a TRUECHART instance and sets this to the variable.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Get current TRUECHART edit mode

    var editMode = "'" + HiCo.DataObjects.DocumentDO.getDocSettings().documentMode.value + "'";
  2. Set the variable' vB_EditMode' with a string value

    qlik.currApp().variable.setStringValue('vB_EditMode', editMode);

Store the title of a current sheet in a variable

Following code may be used in a custom action (usually in combination with an onLoad trigger) to store the title of the current sheet in a variable.

var app = qlik.currApp();
var sheetId = qlik.navigation.getCurrentSheetId().sheetId;
var currentSheet = (qlik.navigation.sheets || []).filter(function(sheet){return sheet.qInfo.qId === sheetId})[0];

	// set the value of the current sheets title to 'vH_Selector' variable
	app.variable.setStringValue('vH_Selector', currentSheet.qMeta.title);
	// set a "Fallback" value in case where the current sheet could be not properly determined (like in a mashup for example)
	app.variable.setStringValue('vH_Selector', 'Fallback');