Collaboration Channels FAQs

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Collaboration Channels FAQs

What is a Channel?

Channels consist of users and specific data points (filters) in a group. This enables users to collaborate around specific data points 

Why we Need a Channel ?

It is advisable to define various channels for specific users to ensure data consumed and collaborated on is only done so by the relevant users.

e.g. Group financial information is only available to the Executive team to ensure confidentiality, while the whole company has access to the HR statistical data to invite comments on diversity. 

How is data dependency possible in a Channel ?

Channels make use of filters to separate the discussions on specific data points. These filters are defined by dimensions within the BI Platform.

e.g. A company has a report called "Sales", within sales you would define your dimensions as Months, Quarters, Clients, Regions , Consultants. The report can now also have a KPI-CHAT channel where these dimensions are then created as "Filters" in a channel

Users then Collaborate on and around these data points. 

What are Data Permissions?

Data permissions define consist of a user, a role and 1 or more Filters. Users define a role for a specific user while also specifying which filters and which data within these filters they have access to.

e.g. In a large company with various payroll administrators, a specific payroll admin is only allowed to see the data pertaining to their department. So a Data Permission is created to define that:

User A only has access to Department X or Y and Cost Centre 7 or . When applied, the user would be able to only see data when selecting both Department and a Cost Centre .

Any combination of the data they have access to is allowed i.e. Department X + Cost Centre 8 , Department X + Cost Centre 7 , Department Y + Cost Centre 8, Department Y + Cost Centre 7, Department X&Y + Cost Centre 8 etc. 

Any selection outside these permissions will result in the user not having access to that part of the channel filter

How can I secure the data discussions within my channels?

Filters may be combined with the Data permissions in a channel.

This ensures that even if you have multiple users in a channel that are only allowed to see specific data points, the access to these data points can be managed. 

e.g. a Company has a Sales Group, however users are only allowed to see the sales figures for their own clients. A Filter on "Consultants" is created and "Data Permissions" are applied to those filters. 

See Related Topics :

Create or Edit a Channel

Channel user privileges

Filters and Data dependencies

Data permissions

Search channels

KPI-CHAT Synchronization

Expressions for channel filters


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