TRUECHART v2017.12.4
Visibility of "Save input" entry in context menu is inverted [HICO-40735]
Known Issues v2017.12.4
see at Known Issues v2017.12.0
TRUECHART v2017.12.3
JS-Exception while loading inline comments with desktop version [HICO-40717]
Time of reference creation takes too long (>1-10sec) [HICO-40720]
JS-Exception while loading tables [HICO-40725]
No Repaint after invalid Hypercube [HICO-40730]
Known Issues v2017.12.3
see at Known Issues v2017.12.0
TRUECHART v2017.12.2
Comment columns to small in table export (Mail & Deploy) [HICO-40721]
Known Issues v2017.12.2
see at Known Issues v2017.12.0
TRUECHART v2017.12.1
Features and Improvements
Visual columns in Table Exporter should consider their minimum [HICO-40642]
Excel Export works not correct (columns empty) [HICO-40708]
Exception while loading table [HICO-40710]
Exception when moving comment references that was linked to a multiple [HICO-40714]
Inline icon in button text is not displayed [HICO-40712]
Known Issues v2017.12.1
see at Known Issues v2017.12.0
TRUECHART v2017.12.0
Full support of Sense export function for TRUECHART [HICO-1496]
Features and Improvements
Configurable deactivation of text formatting during copy & paste [HICO-2710]
Better click- and touchable inline comment flags [HICO-2732]
Show user name instead of technical account name in comment tooltip [HICO-2738]
New and remove number button for text editor [HICO-2739]
New Delete comment button for text editor [HICO-2740]
Configuration of text color & color inversion for comment references in notation manual [HICO-2824]
Optional display of totals, subtotal and rest as values in time, structure & multiple charts [HICO-1901]
Button+: Automatic line breaks in button+ text [HICO-2324]
Button+: Mark actions for sequential or parallel execution (Execute in order) [HICO-40445]
Table: Optimize automatic width calculation for tables in responsive grid layout [HICO-2913]
Mobile support
Dragging comment references on touch devices [HICO-2945]
Support devices with both touch & mouse input capabilities [HICO-40442]
General performance improvements [HICO-2949]
Performance: Reduced intial loading time (due to reduced count of extension assets) [HICO-40464]
Export - Mail&Deploy-support
Use defined column width of value representations for visual representations [HICO-40468]
Place width information in additional header row with the height 0px [HICO-40525]
Integration of TRUECHART Context Menu in Sense Context Menu [HICO-1922]
Option to enter title, subtitle or footnote [HICO-2889]
Keep scrolling position after edit comment and selection [HICO-40460]
Commenting: Common table comments are overwritten when importing to another server [HICO-40578]
Commenting: Error on updating an perspective comment [HICO-2915]
Commenting: Comment grids returns wrong preferred size (height) [HICO-40494]
Commenting: Cannot edit inline comments of more than one extension with same layout structure [HICO-40579]
Table: Inline / Table comments are not saved if external contexts are used [HICO-2102]
Table: Table row lines not shown in case of waterfall chart column [HICO-26250]
Table: Freeze when categories for tables are disabled [HICO-11247]
Table: Empty comment columns reserve more space then needed [HICO-40465]
Multiple: Exception with multiples after change keyfigure data rule to total type [HICO-2840]
Button+: Custom actions are not visible initially after reopening button+ editor [HICO-40454]
Mobile support : Layout not correct in iOS / Safari [HICO-2932]
Layout: Placeholder padding differs in Firefox, EDGE, IE11 [HICO-2826]
Layout: Editor controls moved if root container larger than 100% [HICO-2884]
Layout: Grid editor controls popover doesn’t show on proper side [HICO-2894]
Layout: Inserted Rows/Cols reference original definition instead of copy [HICO-2898]
Layout: Pasting of comment cells do not work when pasting twice [HICO-2923]
Layout: Exception for value linked structure charts without data [HICO-28668]
Layout: Changing a weighted column also changes subgrids column settings unintentionally [HICO-40486]
Data Context: Exception due to error in data context definition [HICO-2941]
Notation Manual: Exception while save notation manual & local version could not be used [HICO-11346]
Export: TRUECHART excel export only export one comment column [HICO-40455]
TRUECHART Service: Special characters with the copy function lead to a broken display of the app list in backend [HICO-2695]
Installer: last version number registered instead of new [HICO-2887]
Qlik Sense: Exception TypeError: Cannot set property 'isHandled' of undefined [HICO-2942]
Qlik Sense: Display in snapshot play modus brocken with Qlik Sense September 2017 [HICO-40452]
Known Issues v2017.12.0
- IE11: Weighted grid columns differs in IE11 in combination with (content based optimization) [HICO-40492]
- QLIK-84768: Qlik Sense Field API OnData event doesn’t fire on fields. This is a Bug in Sense November 2017. So if this issue hamper your work (some customers used this for custom navigation), we recommend you to use Qlik Sense September 2017.
Qlik Sense Support
- TRUECHART works with Qlik Sense 3.0 and later. The standard export of TRUECHART by Qlik Sense is fully supported.
nPrinting Support Export
- nPrinting is not yet supported. After the necessary. technical clarifications with nPrinting this will work after next release in beginning of 2018.
Export solution support: Mail&Deploy
- TRUECHART fully supports image and text export, especially for comments, with external partner solution Mail&Deploy.
MashUp Support
- Currently only one app with TRUECHART extensions can be used in a MashUp. Different apps with TRUECHART extensions result in runtime errors in Sense. [HICO-2014]
- Comment reference disappears when linking to categories with '#' in the text [HICO-1864]
DB: Oracle no longer supported
- Since the Oracle DB is no longer supported from TRUECHART version 3.2, we offer support for migration to a other supported DB like MS SQL or MySQL. Please contact us in case of need.
TRUECHART v2017.9.3
Features and Improvements
Revise surface optimization to avoid incorrect scaling and empty surfaces [HICO-2908]
Tiny text in inline comments is cut of [HICO-2875]
Warning in browser-log: "Unsupported Media Type - woff2" after enable edit mode [HICO-2946]
Display of unnecessary scrollbars in tables despite "content-based optimization" [HICO-3481]
Pasted inline comments are truncated in height [HICO-20524]
Known Issues v2017.9.3
see at Known Issues v2017.9.0
TRUECHART v2017.9.2
Features and Improvements
Border formatting of table text exports [HICO-2886]
Speed improvement by caching the variables to be evaluated [HICO-2948]
General performance improvements [HICO-2949]
Button+ in TRUECHART does not update when changing variables from outside [HICO-2879]
Table vertical alignment not working [HICO-2927]
Performance issue for working comment editor in IE11 [HICO-2952]
Known Issues v2017.9.2
see at Known Issues v2017.9.0
TRUECHART v2017.9.1
Features and Improvements
Border formatting of table text exports [HICO-2886]
Performance improvements due to complex grid layouts and usage of larger tables for annotation in conjunction with the copy option [HICO-2893]
Re-enable empty option in CellDialog [HICO-2922]
Broken support of copy/cut & paste of grid containers and empty cells [HICO-2854]
Sub-Grids which are content-based do not lead to smaller rows in parent grids [HICO-2885]
Error during painting while dimension is empty and only keyfigures are defined [HICO-2892]
Performance issue with changes in layout editor [HICO-2903]
Cell Padding leads to differend cell widths [HICO-2906]
Layout collapsed for weighted rows in Sense Desktop [HICO-2907]
Weighted width for comment columns not working as expected [HICO-2912]
Comment texts in tables are not wrapped, but truncated [HICO-2917]
Border+padding are not respected correctly for subgrids [HICO-2924]
Known Issues v2017.9.1
see at Known Issues v2017.9.0
TRUECHART v2017.9.0
Responsive mobile support for Qlik Sense [HICO-1472]
Responsive tables - Improving the definitions of widths for tables and table columns [HICO-1491]
TRUECHART User Documentation -→ Available from October 2017 on www.highcoordination.com [HICO-2513]
Integration of reporting solutions such as CIA Report Manager and Mail & Deploy [HICO-2570]
Support of Sense 2017.09 Release [HICO-2572]
Features and Improvements
Unnecessary scrollbars (1px) for time and structure charts [HICO-1815]
Auto save for inline comments [HICO-1912]
Button+: Definition of padding & margin [HICO-2301]
Button+: Image library (apps include used images for export) [HICO-2506]
Remove blue grid selector frame [HICO-2555]
Support tooltips on mobile devices [HICO-2556]
Responsive Grid-Editor [HICO-2568]
Improvements in usage during mobile commenting [HICO-2573]
Button+: Add new toggle fullscreen action [HICO-2687]
Synchronized table setting for automatically legend-linked tables in same grid [HICO-2714]
Button+: Custom CSS can defined as expression [HICO-2718]
Table-column width option "weighted" [HICO-2728]
Support of table export (Mail & Deploy) [HICO-2729]
Support of perspective comments export (Mail & Deploy) [HICO-2730]
HiCo.API: Code-Notification after TRUECHART painting [HICO-2736]
Optional automatic chart linking based on actual grid layout [HICO-2745]
Help & About dialog with reference to TRUECHART user documentation on www.highcoordination.com [HICO-2792]
Layout migration to responsive grid layout [HICO-2819]
Export comment references as Unicode Circled Numbers [HICO-2823]
Support of MSSQL multiple instances [HICO-2862]
Using shift+enter in comment editor breaks fix row height behavior [HICO-2878]
Comment tables without dimension get unnecessary edge + scrollbars [HICO-1950]
Fix jumping column with while changing edit-mode for inlinecomments [HICO-2684]
Recreate SessionObject with used ID fails after update to sense june 2017 [HICO-2694]
Button+ does not respect cell padding and border definitions [HICO-2737]
Paint fails when using needle, symbol (& line) with position left-left, right-right in time or bottom-bottom in structure charts [HICO-2758]
Selection not working for other positions then mid [HICO-2760]
No input save changes in context menu for comment objects with 'Auto Save' = false [HICO-2773]
Indented bullet- and numbered lists not displayed correct in inline comments [HICO-2777]
TRUECHART definitions were lost during publishing, if it was created with an older TRUECHART-version than v2017.7.0 [HICO-2830]
Cell menu crashes in QlikView for new TRUECHART objects [HICO-2833]
Inline copy function was broken in v2017.7.0 [HICO-2836]
JSON-Error during transport [HICO-2863]
Known Issues v2017.9.0
- Broken support of copy/cut & paste of grid containers [HICO-2854]
- Layout Editor Controls moved if root container larger than 100% [HICO-2884]
- Sub-Grids which are content-based do not lead to smaller rows in parent grids [HICO-2885]
Qlik Sense Support
- TRUECHART4Sense works only with Qlik Sense 3.1 and later.
Export / Print
- The standard export of TRUECHART by Qlik Sense or nPrinting is not yet supported. After the necessary technical clarifications with Qlik will work after this release with Top Prio on the implementation. We expect this to be resolved by November 2017!
Support for external export solutions
TRUECHART is working to support export solution Mail&Deploy (mid september 2017).
- Code-Notification after TRUECHART Painting: 4 different solutions to determine if painting has finished [HICO-2736]
- paint-Promise: The Paint-Function returns a promise that is resolved as soon as all extensions are painted. So if the print-Function waits for that promise the printing functionality could run after that.
- Promise in HiCo.API: By calling the TRUECHART api, there is a function under "HiCo.API" called painterPromise. That will return an promise which is resolved after the painting has fulfilled.
Code-Example:HiCo.API.paintingPromise().then( function (e ) { console.log( "HiCo.API.paintingPromise here after paint..." ) });
- document.body event: A "tcPainted"-Event is emitted on document.body when painting has finished. But, this event is triggered too when a repaint happens and after that all extensions have finished painting.
Code-Example:document.body.addEventListener( "tcPainted", function (e ) { console.log( "tcPainted event"); console.log( e ); } );
- Watching console: Watch console output for an occurrence of "finish painting TRUECHART". TRUECHART writes to the console a "finish painting TRUECHART" after TRUECHART is painted.
MashUp Support
- Currently only one app with TRUECHART extensions can be used in a MashUp. Different apps with TRUECHART extensions result in runtime errors in Sense. [HICO-2014]
- Comment reference disappears when linking to categories with '#' in the text [HICO-1864]
- Inline / Table comments are not saved if external contexts are used [HICO-2102]
- onNavigationBefore trigger not working in IE [HICO-2435]
DB: Oracle no longer supported
- Since the Oracle DB is no longer supported from TRUECHART version 3.2, we offer support for migration to a other supported DB like MS SQL or MySQL. Please contact us in case of need.
TRUECHART v2017.7.2
Comment References of a duplicated app are lost when republishing [HICO-2699]
Localization in actions tab of button+ Editor is not always correct [HICO-2723]
pasting from ms office was broken in release v2017.7.0
sorting of button actions was broken in release v2017.7.0
Known Issues v2017.7.2
see at Known Issues v2017.7.0
TRUECHART v2017.7.1
Missing user permissions after "go to source" function from initially loaded storymode [HICO-2672]
TRUECHART doesn’t paint in story mode (play) of a published app [HICO-2677]
The legend won’t be shown in a time chart if all values are 0 [HICO-2679]
Value-Linked time charts cutted an not fully visible [HICO-2680]
Known Issues v2017.7.1
see at Known Issues v2017.7.0
TRUECHART v2017.7.0
Support for story mode and snapshots [HICO-1713]
Support for master items [HICO-1726]
Support of Qlik Sense June 2017 [HICO-1788]
Features and Improvements
Update comment editor (CKEditor) incl. new skin [HICO-1784]
Definition of Factor, Decimals and Unit in data context can be defined with variables [HICO-1817]
Store TRUECHART-Version in DB [HICO-1837]
Correct positioning of comment references across sheets, mash-ups, story and mobile views [HICO-1989]
Changed TRUECHART select behavior in Sense to match the default behavior [HICO-2212]
Enable grid row/column insertation from table cell [HICO-2270]
Prevent intial notional manual warning dialog, show status message instead [HICO-2336]
Performance Improvement: Deferred variable evaluation in TRUECHART [HICO-2387]
Remove "Save" notification after changes for dimensions and formulas [HICO-2399]
Simplify and optimize text processing for dublication and (re-)publication [HICO-2485]
Enforced file (JS, CSS…) update after version change [HICO-2536]
Consideration of changed table column order for Excel export [HICO-2551]
Option to reload sub pages in HiCo mashup to support multiple TRUECHART apps [HICO-2579]
Reactivation of application copy function in TRUECHART service for sense [HICO-2631]
Revise labels in TRUECHART Installer [HICO-2644]
Comment numbers are moved to the upper left when dragging and dropping [HICO-1638]
Log option can not be activated for subtitles [HICO-1818]
Selection on 2nd value does not work in table with two dimensions [HICO-1894]
Broken "Reset" functionality in Notation Manual dialog [HICO-1981]
Context menu on comment references does not work if a menu is already open [HICO-2107]
No datetime’s are saved in embedded (H2) database [HICO-2199]
Double-click on title line leads to incorrect position of the comment tooltip [HICO-2283]
Data Context names for copying data rules are not equal to the context name in the Data Context dialog [HICO-2395]
"Show Objects" option does not work in QS, highlighting remains invisible [HICO-2423]
Column is not exported if the used decimal is a defined as expression [HICO-2478]
Application search does not find existing Applications & Sorting wrong [HICO-2491]
Linking of comment references on table categories with two or more dimensions not possible [HICO-2511]
Inline comments disappears after closing cell menu [HICO-2512]
FileName in hicoobject to long (sense desktop) [HICO-2542]
"Preview" inversion for pasted comments is bad to read [HICO-2607]
"Keyfigure to value" setting in Notation Manual is not reflected correctly in click behavior auto value [HICO-2609]
Session licenses do not work correctly with anonymous users after manually assigning rights [HICO-2637]
Navigation in cell-dialog partially broken [HICO-2642]
Exceptions when cutting/pasting cells with comments [HICO-2648]
Scaling for time chart failes [HICO-2650]
Switch chart type from table to structure/timechart throws errors and prevents painting [HICO-2664]
Installer sets up SSL after checkbox is changed from enabled to disabled [HICO-2667}
JS-Exception: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasLabel' of undefined [HICO-2673]
Known Issues v2017.7.0
Support dropped for all saved states created with version 1.8.6 or earlier (prior to version 1.9.0). To ensure full functionality of objects with those old states, they must be opened in any TRUECHART version from 1.9.0 to 3.1.8 and then saved.
Qlik Sense Support
- TRUECHART4Sense v3.2.x and higher works only with Qlik Sense 3.1 and later.
MashUp Support
- Currently only one app with TRUECHART extensions can be used in a MashUp. Different apps with TRUECHART extensions result in runtime errors in Sense. [HICO-2014]
DB: Oracle no longer supported
- Since the Oracle DB is no longer supported from TRUECHART version 3.2, we offer support for migration to a other supported DB like MS SQL or MySQL. Please contact us in case of need.
Comment reference disappears when linking to categories with '#' in the text [HICO-1864]
Inline / Table comments are not saved if external contexts are used [HICO-2102]
Export / Print
Qlik Sense 3.x and june 2017 does not support exporting complex extensions like TRUECHART to PDF correctly. Exporting via the sense story mode to PDF or PowerPoint (pptx) is also not supported, due to the same reason. As a workaround, it is recommended to use the TRUECHART export functions in the context menu. (Applies to Qlik Sense versions v2.x and v3.x)
Column is not exported if the used factor is a defined as expression [HICO-2478]
onNavigationBefore trigger not working in IE [HICO-2435]